4 results for tag: Coaching
By T.J. Buchanan Scott McCall I’ve spent approximately 30 of the last 40 days in June and July on the sidelines of lacrosse tournaments and have watched nearly 200 high school level games. Here’s what I’ve learned from watching teams of varying talent levels, some loaded with Division I commits, and some without a single athlete being ...
By Kate Leavell | @kateleavell Logan Whitton
Coaching youth sports is less about the sport and more about the development of people. If you’ve turned down opportunities to coach a team because you don’t know the sport and feel unqualified, look at it in a different light. You’re leading kids with no life experience down a road that will ...
By Brian Logue Brian Logue Championship lacrosse season is heating up, but one person can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Dara Robbins, manager of the
Coaching Education Program (CEP), has spent the last six plus months coordinating the logistics for 98 US Lacrosse instructional clinics in 32 states. Robbins works with host volunteers through US Lacrosse ...
By Brian Logue Brian Logue The Hereford High School lacrosse program is one of the most dominant public school programs in Maryland. The boys and girls have combined to win 12 state championships, and they’ve reached at least the semifinal round of the state tournament another six times. It’s no coincidence that a strong rec lacrosse program ...